Sayulita Life – Meet me in Paradise

A lookbook… my trip to Sayulita 2015

To love beauty, is to see light.

We live in such busy lives, we forget to free our hearts from worries and to focus on the joys rather than the problems.

That feeling I get when I travel… that non-stop feeling of adrenaline and happiness is the way I should feel my entire life.

Kisses – IZ

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Mazamitla Waterfall. Part 2

The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of men. 


This validates Mazamitla as a “Magic Town” because of its beauty


“La Cascada”


Women with beautiful ethnic work


Local church


Mazamitla’s market

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Mazamitla ~ Part 1 . Nature Shopping

 Plant shopping and just walking…


All day, we were walking around these little streets that made you feel so calm … the perfect weather , a little bit chilly with just a little bit of rain .

The local plant shops were beautiful.

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  I could finally get “succulents” , the little plants that I had been looking for ,for ages.


Burguers, Fresh fruit and delicious tropical drinks were involved…✌️😌🌸

The sunset changed its color every minute, it looked even more amazing as time passed.

Quote of the day 





The past Sunday, Val and I agreed to go out because we had been having an urge to go to the beach and just never did. When we were on our way , looking out the window I was simply amazed because I saw a huuuge land covered in Palm trees. And you know I have an obsession with them so I told her I really wanted to go, she kinda ignored me, but a few seconds later we saw a very small path that lead nowhere, So we did. Started driving without knowing where we were going, we just didn’t seem to find the end so we stopped at one point and parked for a little. Played some music and took some pics✌️📷 

Considering how much I love palm trees… It was paradise. Then, we went to a beach we saw a few weeks ago that we’ve been wanting to go. It’s kind of isolated from the popular beaches we usually go to. But beautiful. I loved the spot. And it has a little coconut stand with very kind and warm people, so that’s an amazing plus . Great Day.



El domingo pasado, Val y  yo acordamos en ir a la playa porque tenemos mucho tiempo queriendo ir a la playa y simplemente no lo hacemos. Estabamos en camino , viendo por la ventana me sorprendí porque ví un terreno enooorme repleto de palmeras , y como tengo una obsesión con ellas, le dije que quería ir, Poco despues vimos que había un caminito no muy definido que pasaba por la mini jungla. Comenzamos a manejar sin saber a donde nos llevaba, despues de un rato decidimos parar porque no se veía como que el final del camino estuviera cerca. Nos bajamos, pusimos música y tomamos unas pics✌️📷.

Considerando lo mucho que me gustan las palmeras…era un paraíso. Después nos fuimos a una playa que vimos hace unas cuantas semanas y habíamos querido visitar. Esta un poco lejos de las playas comunes pero esta hermoso el spot. Y descubrimos que hay un puesto de cocos con personas super amables y lindas , lo cual es un buen plus. Buen Día.



Quote of the day

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.

-Oscar Wilde

Music OTD // You Haunt Me (Salda Remix) Sir Sly 

IT-VENTURES – The view from above. 

Spot local donde muchas personas, turistas o residentes vienen a subir el faro, usándolo como su workout. Es de los príncipales lugares de turismo de Mazatlán ya que se ha vuelto tradicional e icónico. Aunque fui en un día nublado, y no se veía muy vivo, el ejercicio es lo que cuenta.

Local spot where all ,tourists and residents come and hike using it as a workout.It has become one of the iconic and top visited places in Mazatlan. I went on a cloudy day, I’d prefer a sunny one, but working out is what matters the most.


Una imagen vale mil palabras, Pero un video vale más.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A video…how much?

Quote of the day

3 months from now, You will thank yourself.

Stay healthy.

#SpringBreak – Day 5 & 6 – Sealed with awesomeness


Next day…

  The last days of my spring break . Sealed with awesomeness…..

Day 5 .

We got together with some friends to attend to R3HAB(concert) and all i can say is that it was one of the best experiences of my life. I have a deep obsession with Tomorrowland and it’s vibes of everyone being happy and it felt a little bit like so. Accompanied by friends it was even better, and we were SO close to not attending, because nobody wanted to come with us and because we didn’t know how the event would turn out, some people said it would suck, others that it would rock , but we took the risk and found a way and we regret NOTHING.

We would , if we had stayed home like the rest of our friends haha…After the concert we prepared Sashimi for dinner and watched all the videos we recorded , and I have a final video I’ll be posting soon.

Day 6

The next day, I went to church with my family, and went to the local market , where we bought food for the delicious BBQ we cooked after, and some cheesecake of course. #yummers

Día 5

Nos juntamos con unos amigos para ir a R3HAB , y lo único que puedo decir es que fue uno de los mejores días de mi vida.Para empezar, tengo una obsesión con Tomorrowland y sus vibras, que siempre todo mundo tiene una sonrisa y son SUPER felices, y sentí un poco de ese sentimiento. Y con mis amigos, ni hablar. Lo chistoso es que estuvimos a cero de no ir porque Val y yo no encontrabamos quien nos acompañara, y porque no sabiamos si estaria padre el evento , unos decían que estaría super aburridp. otros divertido, total, nos arriesgamos y resultó DE LO MEJOR y no nos arrepentimos de nada.

Nos hubieramos arrepentido si nos hubieramos quedado en casa como el resto de nuestras amigas haha….Terminando el concierto nos fuimos al depa de Val ,preparamos Sashimi y vimos todos los videos, Tengo un video que voy a postear pronto

Día 6

Al día siguiente, fui a misa con mi familia y fuimos al mercado local para comprar ingredientes de nuestra Carne Asada que quedó deliciosa y obvio un rico cheesecake #yummers.

Quote of the day

Great things never came from comfort zones

Back to nature. 👉👉🐴🌿🌾


We went to a little farm ish for school, and got the opportunity to ride horses, so there we are. Also, the white one is pregnant💕.

Fuimos a un rancho por la escuela y tuvimos la oportunidad de montar caballos, asi que aqui estamos. Y la blanca, esta embarazada💕.

Quote of the day 

We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and start a new ending.

-Zig Ziglar